Club joins forces with local charities and associations
Titre 2
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Convention with "United against cancer" Already a keen supporter of the fight against cancer, particularly through our partnership with Bordeaux's Institut Bergonié, on Sunday the Club signed a new convention with local association « Unis vers contre cancer ». Founded in 2010, the association collects wine corks and plastic bottle tops for recycling. All funds raised from this activity are donated to the Institut Bergonié cancer research facility. All corks and bottle tops from the stadium and the training ground at Le Haillan will be donated to the association from now on. Careers advice and support Twenty young people from local associations APIS (integration through sport), based in the Les Aubiers district of Bordeaux, and the YOUNUS Academy (another association working with young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods) visited the stadium on Sunday to find out more about the people who keep this whole complex operation running (security staff, bar staff and other behind-the-scenes heroes). They met with a host of different professionals, and got a valuable insight into the skills and hard work required to run a stadium. The aim is to encourage these youngsters to pursue a career in these fields in the near future.