Working together to find a solution
Titre 2
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Our Club, like the rest of the French football community, is currently living through an unprecedented situation. The season has been cut short after 28 games, with our six final home matches wiped off the calendar. This pandemic has forced us all to think hard and find ways to adapt Listening to our supporters, season ticket-holders and partners "The Coronavirus crisis has shaken up some of the things we usually take for granted." explains Antony Thiodet, the Girondins' Director of Commercial Strategy for the Stadium and Club Networks. "As we look ahead to the coming weeks, and wonder when we will be able to play at the Matmut Atlantique again, it was essential for us to stay in close contact with our supporters, season ticket-holders and partners." Since the start of the lockdown, the Club has been in daily contact with our season ticket-holders. We have spoken to almost 5000 season ticket-holders on the telephone, and they are keen to work with the club to find a way forward, focusing on two major initiatives: 

Working committees

The Members's Group has been meeting via video conference, with many season ticket-holders involved. The group has formed three new working committees. A committee dedicated to promoting the Club across the region A committee dedicated to bringing together our 100% Bordeaux Members An advisory committee dedicated whose opinion will be sought on major developments affecting the Club. Our members and partners have reaffirmed their attachment to the Club, and their high expectations of us.

Collective meetings

16 collective meetings have been held with season ticket-holders and members of the Club's network of partners, with participants selected at random. The objective was to better understand their ideas and expectations during this difficult period, and to start preparing for a future which will undoubtedly require us to adopt a spirit of unflagging solidarity. Exchanges which have been very helpful for Antony Thiodet and his team: "the one thing we felt in all of those exchanges was a strong sense of solidarity with the Club. I want to thank all of those who took part. Yet again they demonstrated their strong attachment to our Club, as well as expressing the high expectations they have for the role the Club will play in the future." For the Club, this spirit of loyalty and commitment from ticket-holders and partners is absolutely crucial. Based on the fruits of these discussions, we are now in the process of finalising our analysis of the consequences of the abandonment of the 2019-2020 season and our plans for 2020-2021. The Girondins de Bordeaux would like to once again express our sincere gratitude to all of those who took part. We also encourage you to read the recent article in France Bleu about the work the Club has been doing during lockdown. Découvrir l'article