A bitter defeat [0-2]
Titre 2
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The Girondins started brightly and created the first chance on goal. In the 3rd minute, Paul Baysse connected with a free kick struck by Malcom. Caen keeper Samba caught it without too much trouble.  The game was evenly-matched, but Bordeaux looked the more dangerous of the two sides. Gaëtan Laborde tested Samba with a low-flying shot from the edge of the box (20’). Two minutes later, Rodelin blasted in a powerful effort which flew wide of Benoît Costil's goal (22’). In the 28th minute, Malcom tried his luck with a long shot. The Brazilian forward fired off a rocket from 30 yards out, but couldn't get it on target. Bordeaux kept on pushing forward. After another free kick floated in by Malcom, Samba failed to clear the ball. The loose ball fell to Soualiho Meïté, but he couldn't control it and missed the target (31’). The Girondins had the better of this first half, but the scoreboard was still empty at the break. A steady rain blew in during the break and kept up for the rest of the match. Out on the left flank Gaëtan Laborde tried his luck with another long shot - on target this time, but not strong enough to beat Samba (50’). The Girondins were dominating possession, but lacked accuracy in the final third. The visitors put their faith in counter-attacks down the flanks. Caen looked dangerous in these moments, but for the time being the Bordeaux defence held firm. With the end rapidly approaching, Caen began to see more of the possession. But it was Bordeaux who continued to create chances: in the 82nd minute, François Kamano struck a decent shot from the left side of the box. Stopped by the keeper.  The match took a sudden and unexpected turn in the 86th minute when Paul Baysse reacted badly to a challenge from Santini. The referee pointed to the penalty spot, and Santini duly scored (1-0 to Caen, 86’). For the final free kick of the game Bordeaux went all in, with even Benoît Costil up in the box. Caen cleared and Rodelin put the ball into an empty net to put the finishing touch on a frustrating evening for Bordeaux. A bitter defeat for the Girondins at the Matmut ATLANTIQUE.